Create Simple Single View For An Application

Create the application
Create view file

Menu > File > New > File > iOS > Cocao Touch > Objective-C class > Next
Subclass Of: UIViewControllerSubClass
Name it ("#ViewController", ending with "_iPhone" and "_iPad" for multi device apps, is a good naming convention)
Subclass of > UIViewController (or UITableViewController)
With XIB for user interface = Checked

In MyApNameAppDelegate.m add:

#import "#ViewController.h"

In MyApNameAppDelegate.m add to didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

	//----- CREATE VIEW -----
	#ViewController *vc1 = [[#ViewController alloc] init];
	[self.window addSubview:[vc1 view]];

	//Show the window
	[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];

Useful Methods To Add

//********** VIEW WILL APPEAR **********
//View about to be added to the window (called each time it appears)
//Occurs after other view's viewWillDisappear
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
	[super viewWillAppear:animated];


//********** VIEW DID DISAPPEAR **********
//View has been dismissed, covered or otherwise hidden from view (called each time it disappers)
- (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated
	[super viewDidDisappear:animated];


//********** VIEW DID UNLOAD **********
- (void)viewDidUnload
	[super viewDidUnload];

	//[SomeObject release];
	//SomeObject = nil;

//********** DEALLOC **********
- (void)dealloc
	//[SomeObject release];

	[super dealloc];