Debug On Device Running Release Version Of An App
To be able to debug on a device that is already running the release version of an app you now want to develop further and run on it you can do this to avoid the release version being affected:
Change the “Bundle Identifier” in your “myprojectname-Info.plist” file
The normal version will be something lile “com.mydomainname.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}” which will produce “com.mydomainname.myprojectname”
Change it to use the different provisioning profile you want to use, e.g. “com.mydomainname.myappnameworking”
You’ll see the change after building by selecting the projects name at the top left > Select the project in targets
If you get a build code signing error select the projects name at the top left > Select the project in targets > Build Settings > select the correct code signing identity to use.