Using auto layout you can describe the layout of your views in a relative way that allows the frames to be determined at runtime so they can take into account the screen size of the device. You need to be using storyboard. Alignment Rectangle The auto layout system uses an "alignment rectangle" which the view […]
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Adding images to your project
Images.xcassets Find the "Images.xcassets" file – this is the Asset Catalog where you can manage all of the various images that your application uses. Drag your images files from finder into the relevant group within it. This will cause the image to be copied into your projects filesystem and be add a reference to it […]
.Objects General
iOS uses the design patter Model-ViewController (MVC). In MVC every object is either: A View Object Visible to the user (e.g. buttons. text fields, etc) Make up an applications users interface A Model Object Hold Data and know nothing about the user interface A Controller Object Managers of an application. Configures the views the user […]
Working With Crashlytics Logs
Make sure the line numbers haven't changed! When cross referencing line numbers from the logs ensure you look at the final files for the version in question, not the new version files you have been working on and changing! Look For Specific Actions The top / last few logs of the thread may be very […]
Adding Crashlytics Debugging Features
CLS_LOG Use CLS_LOG in place of NSLog like this: #import <Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h> CLS_LOG(@"Higgs-Boson detected! Bailing out… %@", attributesDict); You'll still get the NSLog debugging messages but in release builds you'll get the messages in the Crashlytics dashboard. setUserIdentifier To set an identifier to be shown with a crash log #import <Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h> #ifdef APPDEBUG [Crashlytics setUserIdentifier:@”Development User”]; #else […]
Crashlytics Issues
File was built for unsupported file format error ld: warning: ignoring file #####/Crashlytics.framework/Crashlytics, file was built for unsupported file format Delete Crashlytics.framework from your project and then run the following command: ditto -xk /Applications/ ~/Desktop/ which will copy the framework to the desktop. You can then manually add that back into your project. ./Crashlytics.framework/run: No […]
Adding Crashlytics to a project
Install the Crashlytics app on your mac. Crashlytics is then added as an icon (broken gear wheel) in the top menu bar on the mac. Use its options to add it to an xcode project. It shows you how to add a run script build phase to the project and then add the necessaries to the […]
Crash Reporting Tools
Tools which can help analyse crashes Crashlytics TestFlight HockeyApp Comparisons between these tools
NSZombie is a memory debugging aid which can help you debug subtle over-release/autorelease problems. What is NSZombie
.Crash Reports General
iTunes Connect will give you crash reports, although exactly how and when isn't particuarly clear. We've found it say there are none even after a refresh and then come back the next day and tried and suddenly reports are available and not for crashes occuring during the last 24 hours. Also it only happens for users […]