Start the process of submitting an application with iTunes Connect, fill in the name of your new application, but don’t complete the submission. As long as you enter the name and fill in all the relevant fields with any sort of data you can try to claim the given name. The key is the “Upload […]
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Application Icons
Apple Guides Apple Icon Guide Apple Naming Guide App Store Image (Updated for iOS7) Create the following files: iTunesArtwork.png (512x512px) [email protected] (1024x1024px) This file is submitted with the application, but is not part of the application (it is not stored in the application). This image will be used by iTunes and re-sampled as needed. Application […]
Submitting Your Binary To iTunes Connect
Final Checks Have you added a tool like Crashlytics to help you debug users issues like the app crashing? Better to do this now than when you apps reputation is being trashed through reviews for crash problems you can't replicate and need to resolve quickly… Submitting Select Project > Select Project > 'Info' Tab Configurations > […]