Programming for sex workers all you need to know Sex Worker 69 – Escort directory
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Sex Work
Even wondered what is is like programming in the sex industry? Sex Work 69 – Working in the sex industry
Tough Life
Is life tough? Is life getting you down? Well this website aims to help Tough Life – life is hard
Amico Contanti
Guadagna denaro velocemente • Incontra amici adulti che non useranno siti pubblici! Amico Contanti – Il cercatore di amici per adulti più gratificante d’Italia!
Amigo Efectivo
Gane dinero rápido • ¡Conozca a amigos adultos que no usarán sitios públicos! Amigo Efectivo – ¡El buscador de amigos adultos más gratificante de España!
Bargeld Freund
Schnell Geld verdienen • Treffen Sie erwachsene Freunde, die keine öffentlichen Websites nutzen! Bargeld Freund – Deutschlands lohnenswertester Finder für erwachsene Freunde!
64-bit app support
From February 1st 2015 all new iOS apps submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK. Beginning June 1st 2015 app updates will also need to follow the same requirements. To enable 64-bit in your project Apple recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build […]
Add Segue to scene you need to scroll to Instead of dragging onto the scenes view, just drag onto the scene in the left tree view pane. Deleting a Segue Click on the segue. Press the delete key. Trigger a Segue Programmatically [self performSegueWithIdentifier: @"SegueToScene1" sender: self]; Closing A Scene That Was Pushed By Another Scene […]
Converting Old Apps To Use A Storyboard
If you have an existing app which uses individual .xib files for each screen do this to convert it to use a storyboard. The apple guide this is based on is here. Create AppDelegate if necessary Check your has projectnameAppDelegate.h and .m (if not see the apple guide above to create one) Update main.m Your existing main.m file […]
Horizontal Sider Made Up Of Buttons
In your .h file #define MY_SCROLL_BUTTON_WIDTH 107 @interface ViewController : UIViewController { } @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIScrollView *MyScrollView; In your .m file int x = 0; for (int KeyId = 0; KeyId < 10; KeyId++) { UIButton *MyButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x, 0, MY_SCROLL_BUTTON_WIDTH, 100)]; //x, y, width, height //[MyButton setTitle:HarmonicKeyDataAll[KeyId] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; […]