Creating Provisioning Profile For An App

Create the App ID

In the Developer Center select 'Certificates, Identifies & Profiles'

Select 'Provisioning Profiles'

Select 'Identifiers' > 'App ID's'

Press the '+' button to create a new App ID


As required, the name of the app or how you will refer to it 

Bundle ID

com.mydomainname.MyApName (this is used later in Shared > MyApName-Info.plist > Bundle Identifier)

App services

Check any you need

Create it


Create Development Profile

'Provisioning Profiles' > select 'Development' > 'New Profile'

Press the '+' button to create a new provisioning profile

Select 'iOS App Development'

Select the App ID

Select your certificate

Select all of the devices you want to be able to develop on

Enter a profile name.  Its a good idea to end it in 'Development', e.g. "My App Name Development", so that it's clear what this profile is used for

Press 'Generate' to create the profile

Now use the 'Download' button to download the profile and then open it so it goes into xcode organizer.


Create Ad Hoc Distribution Profile (if you want to to distribute the app to other people for testing, review etc)

'Provisioning Profiles' > select 'Distribution' > Press the '+' button

Select 'Ad Hoc'

Select the App ID

Select the certificate

Select all of the devices you want to be able to distribute to.

Enter a profile name.  Its a good idea to end it in 'Development', e.g. "My App Name Ad Hoc", so that it's clear what this profile is used for

Press 'Generate' to create the profile

Now use the 'Download' button to download the profile and then open it so it goes into xcode organizer.


Create Release Distribution Profile (i.e. ready for final release to the app store)

'Provisioning Profiles' > select 'Distribution' > press the '+' button.

Select 'App Store'

Select the App ID

Select the certificate

Enter a profile name.  Its a good idea to end it in 'Distribution', e.g. "My App Name Distribution", so that it's clear what this profile is used for

Press 'Generate' to create the profile

Now use the 'Download' button to download the profile and then open it so it goes into xcode organizer.


Create The Project

Create the directory where you want to store the project

Open Xcode and select New Project from the File menu.

On the left select iOS > Application

Select ‘Empty Application’ (unless one of the other options is more suited)

Press Next

Use core data for storage: Yes if you want the drag and drop + data storage features this provides (and you often do).

Product Name

The ending of your bundle identifier (e.g. "MyApName" of "com.mydomainname.MyApName")

Company Identifier

The beginning of your bundle identifier (e.g. "com.mydomainname" of "com.mydomainname.MyApName")

Class Prefix

Can be left blank.  (The main point of using class prefixes is to avoid name conflicts between the classes you write and the classes in external frameworks and libraries).

Devices: select iPhone, iPad or Universal

Press Next

Choose where the store the project


The iOS project is created with one XIB in the project for the iPhone and one for the iPad – MainWindow.xib. This contains a reference to your parent UIWindow that the application is contained in, much like the main form in a typical windows forms application.

The typical next step is to create / customize a UINavigationController or UITabBarController which to handle the different views the user will see…

Useful Things To Setup

App name displayed on device

Select project in file tree > Targets > Project Name > Info Tab > Bundle display name