Apple Guides
App Store Image
(Updated for iOS7)
Create the following files:
iTunesArtwork.png (512x512px)
This file is submitted with the application, but is not part of the application (it is not stored in the application). This image will be used by iTunes and re-sampled as needed.
Application Icons For iOS7 (not backwards compatible)
Specific names are not required but the retina versions of each icon must use @2x. The names below are the old names used pre iOS 3.13 and are just example names you can use.
iPhone and iPod touch App icon:
IphoneAppIcon.png (60 x 60 pixels)
[email protected] (120 x 120 pixels)
iPad App Icon:
IpadAppIcon.png (76 x 76 pixels)
[email protected] (152 x 152 pixels)
iPhone and iPod touch small icon for Spotlight search results and Settings (recommended, not required):
IphoneSmallIcon.png (29 x 29 pixels)
[email protected] (58 x 58 pixels)
iPad small icon for Spotlight search results and Settings (recommended, not required):
IpadSmallIcon.png (50 x 50 pixels)
[email protected] (100 x 100 pixels)
Application Icons Pre iOS7
Drag the following files into the project window iPhone folder (if designing for iPhone):
iPhone and iPod touch App icon:
Icon.png (57x57px)
[email protected](114x114px)
iPad App Icon:
Icon-72.png (72x72px)
[email protected] (144x144px)
iPhone and iPod touch small icon for Spotlight search results and Settings (recommended, not required):
Icon-Small.png (29x29px)
[email protected] (58x58px)
iPad small icon for Spotlight search results and Settings (recommended, not required):
Icon-Small-50.png (50x50px)
[email protected] (100x100px)
If your icon already has the glossy and beveled effects
Open MyApName-Info.plist. Right click in the blank area and add a row with the key name 'Icon Already Includes Gloss Effects' (was 'UIPrerenderedIcon') with a setting of 'YES'.
Rounded corners
The icon no longer has simple rounded corners (iOS7 change) as the icon is now a new shape (unoficially called a "superellipse"). Apple have not released an official template of the shape but you can find unofficial ones at:
The rounded corners should not be included in your final files, but you might need them while your design process if you want to add effects which aligne to the corners of the icon.
Corner Radius Pre iOS7
Corner radius for 512×512 = 80
Corner radius for 114×114 = 18
Corner radius for 72×72 = 11
Corner radius for the 57×57 = 9
Size of Screen Elements
Top iPhone status bar 20px
iPhone nav bar 44px