This guide may be used to distribute apps wirelessly (without iTunes) using the Ad Hoc method, for testing, review, etc. Limitations Individual / Company iOS Developer program members are limited to 100 possible devices for use with Ad Hoc distribution, with each device UDID needing to be entered in the iOS developer centre. Enterprise iOS […]
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Methods General
No Argument Methods Declaring The Method – (void)SomeMethodName; Coding The Method – (void)SomeMethodName { } Calling The Method [self SomeMethodName]; Single Argument Methods Declaring The Method – (int)SomeMethodName:(int)Value1; Coding The Method – (int)SomeMethodName:(int)Value1 { return 18; } Calling The Method [self SomeMethodName:34]; Multiple Argument Methods Declaring The Method – (void)FileDownloaderCallback:(NSMutableData *)FileData fileURL1:(NSString *)fileURL; Coding The […]
Console General (NSLog etc)
View The Console Window Menu > Run > Console Write string to the console NSLog(@"hi"); NSLog(@"This is the string being used: %@", MyStringName); NSLog(@"%d", SomeVariable); //Display decimal variable NSLog(@"%d", SomeBool); //Display boolean variable NSLog(@"%@", SomeDate); //Display Date variable NSLog(@"%f, %f, %f", [accel x], [accel y], [accel z]); //Display float values NSLog(@"%0.2f", SomeFloat); //Display float variable […]
Labels General
Add Label View Object Declare in the .h IBOutlet UILabel *MyLabelName; Write To Label [MyLabelName setText:MyStringName]; [MyLabelName setText:@”Some Text?”]; Adding Value To A Label [SomeLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@”You currently have %d things”, SomeVariable]]; Label Colour SomeLabel.textColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.5 alpha:1]; Multi Line Labels You can set the number of lines property to 0 for auto multi […]
Using NSString
Mutable vs. Immutable Strings NSMutableString – Should be used when you are physically changing the value of an existing string, without completely discarding the old value (i.e. adding a character to the beginning or end, modifying a character in the middle etc). NSString – Can never be changed after it has been created, only overwritten […]
Using Arrays
Arrays in Objective-C do not contain the objects that belong to it, they hold a pointer (reference) to each object in the array. So when you use :addObject you are simply storing the address of that object inside the array. This means that you can have different types in a single array. This is a […]
Creating A New Project
Creating Provisioning Profile For An App Create the App ID In the Developer Center select 'Certificates, Identifies & Profiles' Select 'Provisioning Profiles' Select 'Identifiers' > 'App ID's' Press the '+' button to create a new App ID Description As required, the name of the app or how you will refer to it Bundle ID com.mydomainname.MyApName (this […]
Declaring Variables Variables are declared inside { } Declaring Methods Methods are declared after }
Project Files app delegate The starting point for the application – the app must have one. Manages a single top level UIWindow. application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions Called right before the app is ready for the user – your chance to prepare the application for action before the user can do anything. xib doc window File's Owner An instance […]
New App Check Lists
Basic Design Questions Single screen orientation or dual orientation? Will the application use encryption? If yes then it needs to comply with US laws regarding this. Will the application use iAds? If so you also need to specify if the application be targetted at under 17’s? Submission Needs The Following Application description (max 4000 characters) […]