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Category: Storyboards
Add Segue to scene you need to scroll to Instead of dragging onto the scenes view, just drag onto the scene in the left tree view pane. Deleting a Segue Click on the segue. Press the delete key. Trigger a Segue Programmatically [self performSegueWithIdentifier: @"SegueToScene1" sender: self]; Closing A Scene That Was Pushed By Another Scene […]
Converting Old Apps To Use A Storyboard
If you have an existing app which uses individual .xib files for each screen do this to convert it to use a storyboard. The apple guide this is based on is here. Create AppDelegate if necessary Check your has projectnameAppDelegate.h and .m (if not see the apple guide above to create one) Update main.m Your existing main.m file […]
Auto Layout General
Using auto layout you can describe the layout of your views in a relative way that allows the frames to be determined at runtime so they can take into account the screen size of the device. You need to be using storyboard. Alignment Rectangle The auto layout system uses an "alignment rectangle" which the view […]
Creating Storyboards
Defining Which Scene Is The First To Be Shown Select the scene and in the Attributes Inspector the "Is Initial View Controller" checkbox. An incoming arrow will point to that scene to confirm its the first. Adding A Scene Drag a "View Controller" object from the Object library panel onto the canvas. Creating the […]
.Storyboards General
Storyboards add a third way to create iOS applications: Write everything in code Use Interface Builder to create main windows Use storyboards With Storyboards the UI is consolidated into a single file with visuals for how each view is arranged together. So, all of the UI work is done in the one place with Interface […]